Washington Park

Old South Gaylord Street, is home to one-of-a-kind specialty shops, local businesses, restaurants, and cafes.

Welcome to Washington Park

Washington Park is a distinct Denver neighborhood with tree-lined, quiet streets and meticulously maintained bungalow-style homes. At the center of the neighborhood is a beautiful 161-acre park containing two large lakes, which are often frequented by flocks of geese. Visitors can play tennis, rent a paddleboat on the lake, have a picnic, or play on the playground. Wash Park is also a dining and shopping destination for many Denverites. A special block in this lovely neighborhood, Old South Gaylord Street, is home to one-of-a-kind specialty shops, local businesses, restaurants, and cafes.

Washington Park Demographics

Median Age 46
Median Household Income $167,058
College Educated 90%
Unemployment Rate 5%

Schools Near Washington Park

The following schools are within or nearby Washington Park East in Denver, Colorado. The rating and statistics can serve as a starting point to make baseline comparisons on the right schools for your family.

Elementary Schools

  • Steele Elementary School - ★★★★★
  • Polaris Elementary School - ★★★★★
  • Creativity Challenge Community - ★★★★
  • Valdez Elementary School - ★★★

Middle Schools


High Schools

  • DSST: Byers High School - ★★★★
  • Denver School of Innovation and Sustainable Design - ★★★
  • South High School - ★★
  • Denver Montessori Junior/Senior High School - ★★

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Work With Jan

A Denver resident for over 40 years, Jan is intimately familiar with the finest neighborhoods and is among the best in the business. Her reputation has been built on delivering the highest-level negotiating skills, developing personal connections with her clientele and working with Buyers and Sellers as their trusted life-long real estate adviser.

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