
Also located in Hilltop is the popular Cranmer park, which offers gorgeous views of the Front Range as well as an iconic sundial.

Welcome to Hilltop

Although small (one square mile to be exact), Hilltop is one of Denver’s most scenic and sought-after neighborhoods. The neighborhood lies east of Cherry Creek and contains 22 different architectural styles, some of which are Tudor, English Cottage, Mediterranean Revival and Mid-Century Modern. Also located in Hilltop is the popular Cranmer park, which offers gorgeous views of the Front Range as well as an iconic sundial.

Hilltop Demographics

Median Age 47
Median Household Income $195,574
College Educated 92%
Unemployment Rate 3%

Schools Near Hilltop

The following schools are within or nearby Hilltop in Denver, Colorado. The rating and statistics can serve as a starting point to make baseline comparisons on the right schools for your family.

Elementary Schools

  • Carson Elementary School - ★★★★★
  • Steck Elementary School - ★★★★★
  • Polaris Elementary School - ★★★★★
  • Creativity Challenge Community - ★★★★

Middle Schools

  • Hill Campus of Arts and Sciences - ★★★

High Schools

  • George Washington High School - ★★★
  • Denver School of Innovation and Sustainable Design - ★★★
  • Denver Montessori Junior/Senior High School - ★★
  • Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy - ★

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Work With Jan

A Denver resident for over 40 years, Jan is intimately familiar with the finest neighborhoods and is among the best in the business. Her reputation has been built on delivering the highest-level negotiating skills, developing personal connections with her clientele and working with Buyers and Sellers as their trusted life-long real estate adviser.

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